The Time is NOW!

I said this over and over to myself as I travelled to New York to visit the guys at Scalp Micro USA.

Blog Deb, Blog the incredible things you’re seeing! And Now… back in Vancouver I can, flowing with nuggets from an interview with Matt the owner of Scalp Micro USA, and his amazing team Mike, Ken and Tara the beautiful face clients are welcomed with. , so much to share but will need to break down the info over some blog sessions….BUT HOLD! .. FIRST…..lets answer the question? What are you waiting for?

What holds us back from the things that make our lives easier, freer? What holds us back from our deepest desires? Lack of knowledge, fear, the unknown ?

Days turn to weeks and weeks to months, I know, I just experienced this very thing. As I was travelling and collecting new content I suddenly realized…..this is what happens, it has been a month since I wrote. Here’s the thing, we need to take the steps to ensure our future achievements are in transit. I’m preaching to myself.

My friends …..The Time is Now. With advancing parties and family gatherings, look your best and sit anywhere in the room, leave your hat at home and put down the sprays.

I think the question is what are, we waiting for? While sitting on the train I perused this question flipping through the before and after of my most recent head work here in New York. My friend, almost bald, had been hiding from all pools and rainy days. What a bondage…My heart stirred, I wish my friends in Vancouver could know the freedom this treatment brings. As a picture is worth a thousand words here we go the above says it all. My friend didn’t know about the ease of SMP. Two visits, equaled coverage and confidence. Her time was now.

How about you? ????

Next blog in two weeks! Stay tuned to interviews with Matt and the team at USA Micro Scalp!

Book your consult at 778 834 6601 the time is now :D!